CD ROM No 3 from Fritz Hochstätter


Ever since Jacobsen failed to include Yucca in his succulent reference books, information on the group has been extraordinarily difficult to come by. The only literature available has been scattered across a large number of journals and one or two very scarce out of print publications. This is a great pity as the genus contains many beautiful species, many highly succulent ones and many which are hardy even into quite harsh winter environments. Anyone who has visited the southern United States cannot help having been impressed by the ubiquity of the genus and its variety of forms.

This CD is therefore very important in that it has almost ertainly the largest collection of photographs of the genus (over 1,000) ever assembled. Studying the illustrations confirms that much work still needs to be done on the group. One limitation perhaps not immediately obvious is that the CD only covers the USA species and forms, not those occuring exclusively in Mexico.

A number of the author's articles on Yuccas which have appeared in varoius publications are included, and in an improvement to earlier Hochstätter CD-ROMs some of these are offered in .pdf file (Adobe Acrobat) format and an appropriate reader is included. Like the earlier CD-ROMs from the same group, the format is not tightly bound to a particular software package, leaving the user to find their way around the disk. While this may be a disadvantage for novice computer users it does have the compensation that the disk should be useable by anyone providing they have a computer with a CD-ROM drive, no matter what the make or operating system.

This will be an extremly useful compilation to anyone interested in Yucca and I am sure will help to increase the popularity of the plants.

�49.-- including �5.-- Yucca seeds. 1500 pictures from South-West. Order from Navajo Country

Some sample pictures, click on image for full size versions.

Yucca whipplei
Yucca confinis
Yucca torreyi
Yucca arizonica
Yucca brevifolia
Yucca elata
Yucca faxoniana
Yucca baccata
Yucca schottii

Contents - Inhalt


Pictures of Agave - Bilder von Agaven


Pictures of Cacti - Bilder emiger Kakteen.


Pictures of Dasylirion wheeleri - Bilder von Dasylirion wheeleri


Yucca articles published by Fritz Hochstaetter - Yucca Artikel von Fritz Hochstaetter


Literature about the genus Yucca. -Literatur zur Gattung Yucca.


Pictures of plants from the Big Bend Area, Texas - Bilder von Pflanzen aus der Big Bend Gegend in Texas


Picture of winterhardy Yuccas in cultivation in the garden of the author. - Bilder von winterharten Yuccas in Kultur im Garten des Autors.


Yucca field number list - Yucca Feldnummern Liste


Dry fruits of various Y. spec. - Samenkapseln von div. Y. spec.


Leaves of various Y. spec. - Blaetter von div. Y. spec.


Pictures from an US trip of Michael Bechtold. - Bilder von emer US-Reise von Michael Bechtold.


Current Yucca seedlist 13/1998 - Aktuelle Yucca Samenliste 13/1998


ACROREAD - Adobe Acrobat Reader.
aco32e3O.exe . . . .W1N95/98 version English
aco32d3O.exe ... .W1N95/98 version Deutsch
acol6d3O.exe . . . .WIN3.x version Deutsch
FREEVIEW - Simple picture viewer. - Binfacher aber schneller Bildbetrachter.

Species of Yucca illustrated:

Y.angustissima, Y.arizonica, Y.arkansana,Y.baccata, Y.baileyi, Y.brevifolia, Y.campestris, Y.carnerosana, Y.confinis, Y.constricta, Y.elata, Y.faxoniana, Y.filamentosa, Y.glauca, Y.harrimaniae, Y.nana, Y.neomexicana, Y.pallida, Y.reverchoni, Y.rostrata, Y.rupicola

Mannheim, Wien, April 1999
CD, Copyright Fritz Hoechstaetter, all rights reserved.
Production and layout: Adolf Muehl
