The Genus Turbinicarpus in San Luis Potosi
by Grupo San Luis
147 pages, softback, ISBN 88-900511-6-7

Published in May 2004 by the Cactus & Co organisation. This is a major cooperative study of the Genus Turbinicarpus by a Mexican Society under the leadership of Dr Manuel Sotomeyer M. del C. surveying the genus in habitat and evaluating its conservation status. In the large 29.8 x 21cm format this publication keeps up the very high standard of production and illustration we have come to expect from Cactus and Co. It runs to 147 pages in a soft cover on high quality paper. The very detailed observation in the text obviously make this a work of scientific and conservation importance. I think anyone interested in Mexican cacti will want to have this in their library.

Available from Cactus & Co in Europe. This book like all the Cactus & Co publications is exceptional value for money.

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