A History of Succulent Plants
by Gordon Douglas Rowley
409 pages, hardback, ISBN 0912647160

This is a unique book which is a must for every serious Cactus and Succulent collector. Without doubt it is the finest work to come from Gordon Rowley and from Strawberry Press. No other combination could have produced such a fascinating and high quality work. A list of the chapter titles will give you an idea of its scope:
  1. Why Succulents?
  2. Prehistory
  3. Classical Era - The Dawn of Science
  4. The Garden & the Glasshouse
  5. Middle Ages
  6. Herbals - from Gerard to Ray
  7. The Age of Richard Bradley - A Disincornufistibilated Servant of Botany
  8. Linnaeus - A Place for Everything, and Everything in its Place
  9. The Linnaean Legacy
  10. Travels and Introductions
  11. The Age of Haworth
  12. The Microscope and what it revealed
  13. The First Cactus Cornucopia
  14. Literature on Succulents - (1) Text
  15. Literature on Succulents - (2) Pictures
  16. Charles Darwin and the Four Dimensions
  17. Brown, Schumann, Berger and Poellnitz
  18. Engelmann, Blanc, Britton and Rose
  19. Succulents after Britton and Rose
  20. Amateur Societies and Journals
  21. Aesthetics - Succulents as Objets d'Art?
  22. From Mesembryanthemum to Mesembryanthemaceae
  23. The Twentieth Century in Epitome
  24. Succulentist Biofile
History of Succulent Plants

The volume is lavishly illustrated throughout and produced to the highest technical standards we have come to expect from Strawberry Press and the technical editing of Nick Lear. Since its arrival in our household on saturday 13th September there has been much competition for the possesion of this volume and we could really have used two copies! Unfortunately as with all high quality books it is not cheap.

If you find the price is beyond your means I recommend you try and get your club to get a copy for their library or find some other way of borrowing it.

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