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CSSA Haseltonia 15, 2009
From the EditorRoot Gorelick
The Crassulaceae of Cajamarca, PeruGuillermo Pino and Nelson Cieza
Increased water storage capacity in cactus wood: A study in the tribe Cereeae (Cactoideae, Cactaceae)Patricia Soffiatti and Veronica Angyyalossy
Rehabilitation and synonymy of Wigginsia corynodes (Cactaceae)Sofia Albesiano and Roberto Kiesling
The genus Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae: Alooideae) in the Free State Province of South Africa Ronnell Klopper, Elizabeth Reteif and Gideon F Smith
A revision of the species of Delosperma (Aizoaceae) in Gauteng, South AfricaH E K Hartmann
The succulent flora of AngolaEstrela Figueiredo and Gideon F Smith
Sedum roberti (Crassulaceae), a new name for S. multiflorum R. T. CLAUSEN (1978), non Boenn. (1829/1830) from MexicoH Veldkamp
Gymnocalycium in cultivation: a survey of cultivarsGordon Rowley
Echinocereus viridiflorus var viridiflorus mortality in shortgrass plains of Texas: Observations following wildfire and drought Sandra Rideout-Hanzak, David B Wester, Gad perry and Carlton M Britton
New populations of Cylindropuntia xviridiflora (Cactaceae) in Canyon de Chelly National Monument, ArizonaDaniiel B Mugaburu
Chromosome numbers in some cacti of Western North America-VIIIMarc A Baker, Jon P Rebman, Bruce D Parfitt, Donald J Pinkava and Allen D Zimmerman
Compendium of new taxa and new combinations from Cactus and Succulent Journal Volume 81 (January-December 2009)

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