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CSSA Haseltonia 12, 2006
From the EditorRoot Gorelick
Resolving "Nyffeler's Puzzle"-the intriguing taxonomic position of BlossfeldiaCharles A Butterworth
Loss of long-shoot leaves may mask terminal stem segment age in Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens)Keith T Killingbeck
Tunilla picardoi, a newly validated species from Salta (Argentina)Alessandro Guiggi
Euphorbia gilbertiana: a new distinctive dwarf succulent euphorbia from southern EthiopiaPhilippe Bisseret and Ernst Specks
Aloe jibisana (Asphodelaceae), a new species from an isolated north Kenya mountainLeonard E Newton
Agave attenuata ssp dentata (Roezl) UllrichBernd Ullrich
Chromosomes and hybrids of Echeveria X. South American species of series NudaeCharles H Uhl
Succulent plant diversity in Turkey I. Stonecrops (Crassulaceae)Faris Karahan, Isik Öz. Neslihan Demircan and Ray Stephenson
Little-known Crassulaceae of Central PeruGuillermo Pino
Compendium of new taxa and new combinations from Cactus and Succulent Journal (January 2004-December 2006)
A new combination in the genus AgaveJulia Etter and Martin Kristen
Haseltonia 11 Errata
On the cover: Blossfeldia lilputana, illustrated here in watercolor by Gerhard Marx, is undoubtedly the smallest cactus and may also be the most enigmatic of all cacti, confounding us with its physiological, anatomical, morphological, ecological and evolutionary peculiarities. In this issue Charles Butterworth brings us closer to understanding the taxonomic placement of this intriguing plant.

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