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CSSA Haseltonia 11, 2005
From the EditorMichael W. Hawkes
Euphorbia erythrocucullata Mangelsdorff, a new semisucculent Euphorbia species from southwestern MadagascarRalph D. Mangelsdorff
A new subspecies of Hylocereus undatus (Cactaceae) from southeastern MexicoHector Càlix de Dios
Diversity of floral visitors to Echinopsis atacamensis subsp. pasacana (Cactaceae)Boris O. Schlumpherger and Ernesto I. Badano
Leaf anatomy of Conophytum N. E. Br. (Aizoaceae}Matthew- R. Opel
A morphological phylogeny of the genus Conophytum N. E. Br. (Aizoaceae)Matthew R. Opel
Leaves of grass: a taxonomic revision of the genus Bergerantbus Schwantes (Aizoaceae)Anthony P. Dold, Steven A. Hammer and Nigel P. Barker
Echeveria andicola, a new species from central PeruGuillermo Pino
Four new peperomias from northern PeruGuillermo Pino, Olivier Klopfenstein and Nelson Cieza
Anatomical features, other than wood, in subfamily Opuntioideae (Cactaceae)James D. Mauseth
In search of cacti and seaweeds on desert shores: E. Yale Dawson (1918-1966), BotanistMichael W. Hawkes
Chromosomes and hybrids of Ecbeveria DC. IX. Series Spicatae (Baker) BergerCharles H. Uhl, Reid Moran and Myron Kimnach
Haseltonia 10 Errata
On the cover: Embedment is not merely for moles and reporters; Conophytum has practised it for years, as demonstrated by Chris Barnhill's photos of C.maughanii subsp. armenianum (Augrabies, SH 365, front) and C.lydiae (Geselskapbank, SH 1290, back). Matthew Opel's anatomizing papers in this issue (pp 27-77) cast new light on the genus.

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