CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.68 MAY-JUNE, 1996 No.3
Distribution and population density of Coryphantha hesteri in the Big Bend region of TexasGerald G. Raun
In search of Gasteria stayneri Poelln. (Aloaceae) in the Eastern Cape Province, South AfricaGideon F. Smith
Aloe chrysostachys and Aloe meruana(Aloaceae)Leonard E. Newton
Yucca linearis, a unique species from the Chihuahuan DesertDavid J. Ferguson
Myrmecodia lamii, a giant ant-plant of Irian JayaMyron Kimnach
Idrioddities - outlandish expressions of Idria columnarisReid Moran
Cacti & Succulents for the AmateurDuke Benadom
The bat-cactus mutualism of CuraçaoSophie Petit
Two geophytic euphorbias from western MexicoBurl L. Mostul &
Miguel Cházaro B.
Some new combinations in RhipsalisMyron Kimnach
Cover illustration: Pelecyphora aselliformis is a collector's favorite, native only to the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. The appeal lies in the peculiarly-shaped tubercles and showy flowers, plus the challenge of growing it successfully. This superb photo is by Darl Bickel, who received his plant as a half-inch graft nine years ago. After two years he removed and rooted the scion. Although he keeps most of his other cacti dry all winter, he does give this plant a light monthly watering to prevent the drying and shedding of the lower tubercles.