CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

An unusually beautiful brachystelma (Asclepiadaceae): B. maritae, from TanzaniaRalph Peckover
Camote del cerro: an edible caudiciform dioscorea from MexicoBurl Mostul &
Miguel Cházaro B.
Sansevieria deserti (Agavaceae)Alice Waidhofer
Valley View Succulent NotesGerald S. Barad MD
Dick Wright and his echeveriasRuth Wright
Hans & Gretl Britsch and Western Cactus Growers, Inc.Larry W. Mitich
Cacti and succulents in Japan. Part 2Aikichi Kobayashi
The genus Adenium (Apocynaceae) in cultivation.
Part 4: Adenium arabicum and A. socotranum
Chuck Hanson &
Mark A. Dimmitt
Winter-hardy cacti. Part 1. IntroductionDarl G. Bickel
Euphorbia pachysantha Baillon, a remarkable and little-known arborescent euphorbia from MadagascarWerner Rauh
The Internet and youMyron Kimnach
Spotlight on Round RobinsBraden Engelke
Cover illustration: Britton and Rose named several cactus genera after cities: Matucana, Mila (an anagram for Lima) and Oroya, for La Oroya, all towns in Peru. Matucana and Oroya are closely related within the Borzicactus/Cleistocactus alliance, Oroya differing in its short-tubed, non-zygomorphic flower. The several described species seem questionably distinct from the type, O. peruviana, photographed here by John Trager of the Huntington. It is easily cultivated, doing best when well-watered and fertilized; as a sparsely spined, high-altitude species, it also needs cool conditions and some afternoon shade.