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The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA Journal VOL.67 MAY-JUNE, 1995 No.3
Lyman Benson, permier botanistLarry W. Mitich
Ceropegia pseudodimorpha Rauh, a new species from the Isalo Mountains
of central Madagascar
Werner Rauh
Intergeneric hybrids in the Mexican crassulaceae. V. TacitusCharles H. Uhl
South American Cactus Log, chapter 36Alfred Lau
Anacampseros - "a sand rose by any other name"Gordon Rowley
A new subspecies of Aloe descoingsii Reynolds (Aloeaceae; Madagascar)J.J. Lavranos
Studies in Schwantesia: the rediscovery of S. borcherdsiiNorbert Zimmermann
& Heidi E.K. Hartmann
Pollination of Aloe polyphyllaStephen McCabe
Spotlight on Round RobinsBraden Engelke
New nothogenera, and a new combination, in MesembryanthemaSteven Hammer
Cacti & Succulents for the AmateurDuke Benadom
Valley View Succulent NotesGerald S. Barad
From cacti_etc
Sansevieria schweinfurthii 'Variegated'B. Juan Chahinian
Cover illustration: Echinocereus triglochidiatus var. mojavensis, despite its formidable name, is one of the real beauties among cacti. Earlier known as E. coccineus, it also has a popular name, claret cup cactus, inspired by its scarlet, cup-shaped, waxy-petalled flowers. The claret cup is restricted to Baja California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, as well as California, where, near Hidden Valley, Joshua Tree National Monument, Suzi Shizako Leavens made this fine photo.