CSSA VOL.89, September-October 2017 No.4 |
Molecular analysis of the genus Eriosyce | Fred Kattermann |
A new species of Aloe from the Lúrio waterfalls in Mozambique | Tom A McCoy, Antonius JH Rulkens and Obety Jose Baptista |
An introduction to cactus areoles part II | James D Mauseth |
Book Review: The Genus Ceropegia | Tim Harvey |
Pushing the limits: landscaping with cacti and succulents in cold climates #26 | Leo Chance |
Obitary: Sheila Colnette | Tom A McCoy |
Book Review: Succulents in cultivation - breeding new cultivars | Tim Harvey |
On the cover: Aloe collenettae is critically endangered in habitat, where it is restricted to a single hill. Tom McCoy has visited the population many times, and the dramatic cover image captures the bleakness of the spot well. It also serves as a fitting tribute to Sheila Collenette, for whom the plant is named. |