CSSA VOL.89, May-June 2017 No.3 |
The Huntington Botanical Gardens presents the 2017 offering of International Succulent Introductions | John Trager |
Leptocereus demissus a new species from southwestern Hispaniola | Alberto E Areces-Mallea |
The Endangered Species Act Observations from the field | Bill Thornton |
An introduction to cactus areoles part I | James D Mauseth |
Pushing the limits: landscaping with cacti and succulents in cold climates #24 | Leo Chance |
On the cover: The transparent windows on the surface of each leaf of Peperomia wolfgang-krahnii appear almost to be liquid, cradled by the leaf below. This picture, by Karen Zimmerman, also captures the senescing leaves at the base of the plant. These glow with an inner fire, though theirs will soon go out. Most Peperomia are not extreme xerophiles, and so appreciate slightly more moisture when growing. Successful cultivation will, in time, produce a plant with several branches. |