CSSA VOL.88, July-August 2016 No.4 |
Extrafloral nectaries in cacti | James D Mauseth, Jon P Rebmann & Silvia Rodrigues Machado |
A new species of cremnophytic Aloe from Mozambique | Tom A McCoy, & Obety Jose Baptista |
First record of Lepismium lumbricoides (Lem.) Barthlott (Cactaceae), in Minas Gerais state, Brazil | Diego Rafael Gonzaga, Luiz menini Neto & Ariane Luna Peixoto |
Cacti and succulents and scenery - oh my! | Jeff Chemnick, Dan Mahr & Gregg Starr |
Pushing the limits with cacti & succulents in cold climates | Leo Chamce |
Book Review | Tim Harvey |
Book Review | Sula Vanderplank |
On the cover: If you've ever needed a reason to get out a magnifying glass and take a closer look at some of your cacti, this is it! Jim Mauseth's close-up of a young Tephrocactus articulatus stem shows the dew like exudate. There are many more examples in the article he co-authored in this issue. Having few cacti to inspect, however, your Editor will survey the Eulophia and Adenia in his collection instead. |