The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.88, Jamuary-February 2016 No.1
An account of the interesting biodiversity in a selected number of species in the genus Bulbine Wolf, AsphodelaceaeGraham Williamson
HIKING & CACTI In search of Echinocereus chlorantus subsp. rhyolithensis in the Cookes Mountains, New MexicoGerhard & Gisela Boehm
Pushing the Limits with cacti and succulents in cold climates #15Leo Chance
A new cycad species in the genus Dioon (Zamiaceae) from the Mixteca region of Oaxaca, MexicoSilvia H.Salas-Morales, Jeffrey Chemnick & Timothy J.Gregory
Beginners Guide to LachenaliaThomas Glavich
Book Review : Biogeography and Biodiversity of CactiJames D.Mauseth
Book Review : Mapping the Cacti of MexicoWendell S. (Woody Minnich

On the cover: The Orange River, which forms part of the border between South Africa and Namibia can be seen behind this Bulbine ophiophylla. The picture was taken in 2003 by your Editor at Kortdoringberg, a 400 m outcrop about 25 km E of Alexander Bay, while on a tour guided by Graham Williamson. Graham's article on Bulbine in this Journal is perhaps the most significant work on the genus as a whole this century.