The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.87, July-August 2015 No.4
Aloe lukeana: a new, caulescent Aloe from UgandaThomas C.Cole
California's historic drought we can help - an opinionBill Thornton
Fero FixSue Hakala
Notes on a type locality or Where in the world was David GriffithsTim Thibault & Alessandro Guiggi
Evolution of a pool gardenAttila Kapitany wilh M.A.Bjarkman
Superb Succulents Duke Benadom
Colourful CoryphanthaElton Roberts

On the cover:We are all slightly addicted to our shared interest, succulent plants. Sue Hakala took the cover picture while fulfilling her need for spines and the beauties of the desert. We are fortunate she has decided to share her "Fero Fix" with us!