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The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.86, September-October 2014 No.5
Succulent cultivars and hybrids - an introductionTim Harvey
Natural and garden hybrids of OpuntiaKelly Grummons
Breeding with AloesAndy de Wet
Recent trends in Gasteria hybridizationTom Glavich & Scott Shafer
Echeveria cultivarsMatthew Maggio, Robert J Campbell, Renee O'Connell & Dick Wright
Aloe hybrid improvements in Thailand: history and resultsPijaya Vachajitpan
Some unusual and special cultivarsGregg Starr
A passion for HaworthiaRenny Wong
Aloe humilis hybrids: the spiny dwarf seriesBrian Kemble
Come Back, Little Shiva or Mabel's Better Breeding Bureau: the spiny dwarf seriesSteven Hammer
Hybrid cacti for better bloomsCactusland Team
Euphorbia francoisii cultivars in ThailandPijaya Vachajitpan

On the cover: Kelly Grummons' spectacular cultivar Walk in Beauty- Opuntia 'Garnet Glow' has spineless pads and re-blooms all summer. What more could be asked?