CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.85, March-April 2013 No.1
The Huntington Botanical Gardens Presents the 2013 Offering of International Succulent IntroductionsJohn N Trager
A surprising new species of Sulcolluma from the Sultanate of OmanTom A McCoy
Superb SucculentsDuke Benadom
Rephotography A method of monitoring changes in habitatRudolf Schultz
Caudanthera baradii (Lavranos & Newton) Plowes - a new rank and genus for a Yemeni stapeliadDarrel Plowes
A hard-to-manage taxon: The Black Lace Cactus Echinocereus fitchii ssp. albertii Michael J Lange & Jim Sinclair

On the cover: Agave utahensis is a favorite species among collectors of Agave and among succulentists in general. Duke Benadom has been studying the morphological diversity of this taxon for many years, and has grown thousands of this species from seed. The cover photo on this issue is of one of the more unusual displays of marginal-spine variation. See his article "Superb Succulents" in this issue for more images of extreme diversity.