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The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.82, July-August 2010 No.4
Succulents on Stamps Cacti Part IPeg Spaete
Hakea clavata A succulent member of the Protea family (Protaceae)Stephen Ward McCabe
Geophytes and succulents of the dolomite outcrops near Lichtenburg in South Africa's Northwest ProvinceCharles Craib
Towards an evolutionary understanding of the Opuntia humifusa complex of North AmericaLucas C Majure
Cactus Tips Pterocactus fischeriElton Roberts
Observations of Chilean OpuntioideaeFred Katterman
Opuntia ficus-indica as an Extremophile A survivor in extreme climates?Gertrude Konings
Ammonium Nitrogen and Acidic Water for Xerophytic Plant GrowthMalcolm Burleigh & Elton Roberts
Superb SucculentsDuke Benadom
A Safe Procedure for Eradicating Root Mealy Bugs from a Cactus CollectionRichard R Montanucci

On the cover Duke Benadom photographed this largest of all known Aloe species, Aloe barberae (AKA A.bainesii) as a lead in to what he believes to be a very important book in. the making. Three of the most qualified people who ever lived to write on this immense genus (ca. 400 species), Susan Carter-Holmes, John Lavranos, and Len Newton have collaborated in creating this opus. Initial planning was to begin where Reynolds left off, but the two expensive volumes produced by Reynolds are seldom available. This upcoming book, probably available in 2011, will cover all known species. I doubt that there will ever be another work of this magnitude on this fascinating and diversified genus. The plant pictured is in the Benadom's garden, but it's dwarfed by the immense plant in the garden of Loran Whitelock, one of the world's foremost cycad experts. It's nice to know that the largest specimen in a renowned cycad garden is a succulent, and not a cycad.