CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.82, March-April 2010 No.2
Ceropegia craibii found following fire. With an account of the propagation and cultivation of the speciesCharles Craib & Gerhard Marx
Succulent and xeromorphic bromeliads of Brazil Part 7. Orthophytum toscanoi ssp atropurpureumPierre J Braun & Eddie Esteves Pereira
Close encounters with lithopsDawie Human
Cape Agulhas, Africa's southernmost succulents and Aloe juddii newly named from the regionErnst van Jaarsveld & James Deacon
The Huntington Botanical Gardens presents the 2010 offering of International Succulent IntroductionsJohn N.Trager
Book review: Haworthia for the Collector by Rudolf SchulzSteven Hammer
Book review: Cacti of Texas in their natural habitat by Gertrud & Ad KoningsDuke Benadom

On the cover Duke Benadom photographed this award winning Monadenium spinescens at one of the annual CSSA shows. This plant has been in Duke and Kazuko's collection for many years and it seems to just keep improving. The late Seymour Linden was our inspiration to collect members of this fascinating genus.The former series Superb Succulents featured this and a wide variety of other trophy-winning plants from numerous cactus and succulent shows. Like members of the genus Euphorbia, monadeniums can be both toxic and caustic, a bit dangerous, but beautiful and certainly worth growing!