CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.81, November-December 2009 No.6
Kalanchoe Beginner's delight, Collector's dreamZoya Akulova-Barlow
Dracena draco in CanadaRoot Gorelick
A plague of trifidsMalcolm A Grant
Under Discussion: Crassula Part 2. stacks, spircals, and spiresFred Dortort
Future PollenTim Uebergang
The littlest lophophoraJ Snicer, J Bohata & V Mysak
Succulent and Xeromorphic Bromeliads of Brazil Part 6. Dyckia stolonifera - A new and nearly extinct species from Mato Grosso do SulPierre J Braun & Eddie Esteves Pereira
Succulents on stamps Adansonia digitataPeg Spaete

On the cover Rob Skillin photographed this blooming Crassula columnaris late in the day in the Ceres Karoo, South Africa, and to me it epitomizes the appeal of the genus. We had spent the day making futile stops in a bleak, moonscape-like land, the ground covered with a pavement of sedimentary stones either broken into precise geometric plates or so abraded and polished by the winds that they looked like meteorites. A local farmer told us that it had rained 25 millimeters that year, the most in seven years, and aside from some very odd bulbs, the land was pretty barren. When we finally came upon this rocky outcrop, supporting nice plants of Tanquana prismatica and Euphorbia multiceps as well as the crassula, the day seemed suddenly worthwhile. We all took pictures of this plant, and Rob's came out the best-it's great to travel with people who combine plant knowledge with photographic skill. Fred Dortort