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The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.80, May-June 2008 No.3
Aloe elegantissimaA beautiful new aloe from northern SomalilandTom McCoy & John Lavranos
Opuntia fragilis in IllinoisEric Ribbens & Barbara A Anderson
Cactus tips from a master grower Echinocereus Part 3Elton Roberts
Christmas in the summertime. The wildly beautiful flowers of Adenium oleifoliumDawie Human
Book Review: The genera Pediocactus Navajoa Toumeya by Fritz HochstätterTom Mathies
Book Review: Pachyforms II, Bonsai Succulents by Phillippe de Vosjoli and Rudy LittleD Russell Wagner
Some succulent memories Part 5. Lost and found in HondurasMyron Kimnach
Haworthias and the half-lives of dataSteven Hammer
Relations across the Rio Bravo Escobaria hesteri subspecies grata from el otro ladoJonas M Luthy
Succulents on Stamps: PortulacaPeg Spaete
Green RoofsRay Stephenson

On the cover As growers we often lose sight of the variability a single species can manifest. One plant on the bench does not a species make! In this issue Dawie Human, proprietor of Lifestyle Seeds in South Africa, relates a chance encounter with a population of Adenium oleifolium that produced the entire range of flower colors, shapes, and sizes seen on our cover. Cherish the sight: development threatens to drive the species into deeper obscurity. In cultivation, these caudiciform beauties are unnecessarily slow and rare, but growers in Florida, California, and Thailand are making progress.