CactusPlaza - Cacti, Succulents, Orchids and Botanical products. plants, Seeds and Accessories
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.79, May-June 2007 No.3
Book Review : Haseltonia 12Colin Walker
Camelhair Confidential : Techniques for sexual propagation of Operculicarya speciesDaniel M Houston & Joseph M.Stead
Succulents that survive in the Madagascar tsingyGavin Hart
Home Grown: Cactus tips from a master grower Gymnocactus and EchinomastusElton Roberts
A coastal and a montane new species of Madagascan AloeTom McCoy & John J Lavranos
Cacti and Succulents of the Socorro Sand DunesAlex van Dam & Matthew van Dam
Alfred Bernhard Lau (1928-2007)Chuck Staples, CSSA Historian
Succulents on Stamps ParodiaPeg Spaete

On the cover. Do we detect Lauren Bacall's thin but beguiling smile in this Dinteranthus wilmotianus photographed by Chris Barnhill at the Sphaeroid Institute in Vista, California? The spottiest dinteranthus, and one of the easiest ones to raise from seed, it does present difficulties in long-term maintenance, having a diva's tendency toward unannounced and sudden departures. To prepare for this eventuality, one should always have a fresh batch of seedlings waiting in the wings. Minute seeds (among the smallest in the mesemb family) are readily produced and occur in vast numbers following pollination of the large yellow flowers that emerge each fall. Some 10,000 seeds fill each capsule, increasing one's chances for success-and failure. Plants mature in about two years, with single heads ultimately reaching an inch in diameter. Older plants occasionally clump. Many populations can be found in the vicinity of Kakamas, South Africa, east of Pofadder, always on white quartz. Little variation can be noted, except in the coloration of the keels, here a spectacular tangerine.