Cactus and Succulent Society of America - Journal 2005 No 4
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The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.77, July-August 2005 No.4
The Cacti and Fauna of the Galapagos Islands Interactions and InterdependenceGavin Hart & Sharelle Hart
Anacampseros retusa from the deep freeze into the furnaceGraham Williamson
Pachypodium mikea a new arborescent species from MadagascarJonas Lüthy
Lophocereus schottii var schottii forma spiralis (Cactaceae) and notes on the monstrose formsJosé Luis Léon de la Luz & Ira Fogel
Kniphofia acraea A rare Red Hot Poker revisitedTony Dold & Cameron McMaster
Bursera microphylla in the Wildflower SpringRoot Gorelick
Aloe craibii and its environmentGideon F.Smith & Charles Craib
Succulents for Most Gardens, Part 2 HylotelephiumRay Stephenson
Euphorbia bertemariae a new species from EthiopiaPhillipe Bisseret & Maurizio Dioli
Succulents on Stamps, Welwitschia mirabilisPeg Spaete

On the cover. Ferocactus acanthodes var lecontei is the most widespread variety of F.acanthodes, a cactus species common throughout the Mojave and Sonoran deserts. Including its varieties acanthodes, tortulispinus and eastwoodiae, this species ranges from the southern tip of Utah and southern Nevada, south through California and Arizona, and into the Baja California peninsula and the Mexican state of Sonora - a distribution exceeding 525 miles from north to south. Here we see them growing deep inside the inner walls of the Grand Canyon, where a unique geological formation was created by ancient lava flows pushing up through lower strata rock. The weathering and cutting action of the Colorado River, along which variety lecontei is common, have produced an improbable rock-garden home for these gigantic cacti. No side trails lead into the canyon at this point, so rafting the Colorado is perhaps the only way to view this population, which is found at river mile 187.5, down from Lees Ferry, where the plants cling to the wall 75 feet above the river's edge. Member Douglas Basco captured this memorable sight with a Canon EF camera, a 50-135 mm zoom lens and Fuji Velvia color slide film.

Yuccas: Giants Among the LiliesD Russell Wagner
Yucca III (Agavaceae) MexicoMichel Rohmer
Haseltonia 10Colin C Walker
Lithops Flowering StonesSteven Hammer
Cacti of the Trans-Pecos and Adjacent AreasJames D Mauseth