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The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.77, January-February 2005 No.1
Research and Conservation ReportDonna Woodward
Rudolph Ulrich's Arizona GardensJulie Cain
Under Discussion: Avonia and other succulent PortulacaceaeFred Dortort
Hybridizing Turbinicarpus and GymnocactusMalcolm Burleigh
Three short book reviewsD Russell Wagner
Three varieties of Echeveria cuspidataMyron Kimnach
Euphorbias of Southern MoroccoSusan Carter
Pachypodium rosulatum ssp bemarahense a new subspecies from MadagascarJonas Lüthy & John Lavranos
Cacti of eastern Brazil Book ReviewRoy Mottram
Echinocactus polycephalus ssp xeranthemoides in Marble CanyonRoot Gorelick
Superb SucculentsDuke Benadom
Succulents on Stamps Aloe, Part 1Peg Spaete

On the cover. The cover photo depicts Echeveria rosea, a species that can be found throughout the entire eastern Mexican Sierra Madre Oriental. Julia Etter and Martin Kristen took this picture in the state of Guanajuato, in the Sierra Gorda above La Florida, on a high mountain ridge where the accompanying succulent flora included Agave mitis, A.lophantha, Sedum jurgensenii, Mammillaria hahniana ssp woodsii, Disocactus flagelliformis, and terrestrial orchids. This species usually occurs in humid, foggy and rainy mountains, quite often growing, as shown here, epiphytically on oak trees.

In this issue, Myron Kimnach describes two new varieties of Echeveria cuspidata, a plant which occurs only in northern Mexico. In contrast with the wet-growing epiphyte on the cover, E.cuspidata is confined to and places where the plants seek a little shade under small shrubs and between rocks, facts which might inform how we grow each of these species in our collections.