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The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

CSSA VOL.74, July-August 2002 No.4
Superb SucculentsDuke Benadom
Something about agavesMyron Kimnach
Among the agaves of the Huntington Desert GardenGary Lyons
Growing agaves in cold climatesMary Irish
Regions of floristic endemism in South Africa - Book ReviewGraham Williamson
Dumpling and his wife - new views of the genus Conophytum - Book ReviewSuzanne Mace
Distribution of Agave (Agavaceae) in MexicoAbisai Garcia-Mendoza
Agave garciae-mendozae, a new species from central Mexico Raquel Galván Villanueva and Luis Hernández- Sandoval
Software ReviewTony Mace
Helia Bravo-HollisJorge Meyrán Garcia
Graptopetalum marginatum, a new species from Nayarit, MexicoMyron Kimnach and Reid Moran
Larry MitichDuke Benadom
On the cover. The essential beauty of agaves is well represented in this photo of A.bovicornuta by Steven Miles of Denver. The symmetry of the leaves and the subtle changes of color, especially in the maturing spines, are some of the reasons why people grow agaves. Stephen provides his plant with partial winter protection - essential in the cold Denver climate - and he promises to write something for us about his methods. The "cow-horn" agave is one of the most attractive species, but unfortunately it does not offset and it dies after flowering. The recurring need for seed, legally unavailable from Mexico, is the only reason it is rarely cultivated.