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CSSA VOL.73, September-October 2001 No.5
Rebutia - an overviewMyron Kimnach
Those pesky numbers in SulcorebutiaJohn Pilbeam
RebutiasDylan P.Hannon
Rebutia - one genus or two?Johan Pot
Sulcorebutia or Rebutia?Günter and Karin Hentzschel
Sulcorebutia, Kakteenzwerge der bolivianischen Anden - Book ReviewMyron Kimnach
Superb SucculentsDuke Benadom
The decline of the type locality of Rebutia canigueraliiBrian Bates
Some critical comments about the IOS Cactaceae Consensus Group's concept of RebutiaGünther Fritz
Collections of Rebutia, Sulcorebutia and Weingartia on the 1984 Huntington expeditionMyron Kimnach
Growing rebutias - a recipe for successPaul Hoffman
Fred Katterman, a new FellowLarry Mitich
Fieldnotes: another look at Mammilaria bombycina and M.perezelarosae, and something new : M.perezelarosae ssp.andersonianaW.A. and Betty Fitz Maurice
Cover illustration. Befitting a special issue on Rebutia, Sulcorebutia and Weingartia, our cover photo displays R..muscula Ritter & Thiele. A more conservative viewpoint has reduced it and ten other rebutias to synonymy under R.fiebrigii, a matter about which we remain neutral. R.muscula, like all of its allies, hails from Bolivia; it is distinguished by its soft white spination and orange flowers. John Trager photgraphed this specimen at a CSSA show in 1985.