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CSSA VOL.73, January-February 2001 No.1
Montagne des Français - an ultimate paradise in MadagascarJohn Lavranos, Walter Röösli and Ralph Hoffmann
Fascinating Frithia - Notes on a summer-rainfall wondow-plantPriscilla Burgoyne
Paul Clifford HutchinsonLarry Mitich
Introducing - our new journal and its designerFrom the Editor
A letter to the Editor: More on the crown-of-thorns euphorbiasBetty Shor
Browningia candelaris in the Andean pre-puna of northern ChileArthur Gibson and Philip Rundel
Arthur Tischer (1895-2000) - an obituarySteven Hammer
Details of the CSSA Convention for 2001 
A new species of Mammillaria series Supertextae (Cactaceae) from JamaicaAlberto Areces-Mallea
A new Madagascan euphorbia: E.itremensisMyron Kimnach and John Lavranos
Echinocereus lloydiiLarry Mitich
Superb SucculentsDuke Benadom
Cover illustration. Pachypodium windsorii on Montagne des Français, nothern Madagascar. The background plants include Aloe suarezensis and the yellow-flowered Uncarina peltata. Walter Röösli took this photo in November 1999 on a trip with Ralph Hoffmann.