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CSSA VOL.72, July-August 2000 No.4
An introduction to EuphorbiaSeymour Linden
New species of spiny Euphorbia from East AfricaSusan Carter
Superb SucculentsDuke Benadom
Giant-flowered Euphorbia milii hybridsBob Smoley
Sedum makinoi MaximReid Moran
"Crown of Thorns" hybrids - past and presentStephen Jankalski
Naming the Euphorbia milii hybridsMyron Kimnach
The type of Euphorbia milii Des MoulinsLeonard E.Newton
Euphorbia meenae, a new geophyte from IndiaSusan Carter
Monathes laxifloraReid Moran
Euphorbia dendroides - a follow upVirginia F.Martin
A journey to the Island of Soqotra, Part 2Gary James
A beautiful new species of Sansevieria (Dracaenaceae) in KenyaLeonard E.Newton
CD-Rom review (The succulent euphorbias, by V.Buddensiek)Stephen Jankalski
Spotlight on Round RobinsBraden Engelke & Rita Fleischmann