Asterias NEW | Many Astrophytum seeds |
Siegfried Andreae NEW | Rare Cacti and Lithops |
Dealerfab NEW | Winter hardy cacti including Pediocactus, Sclerocactus and Austrocactus |
Mesa Garden | Very extensive range particularly of North American and Mexican Cacti and Mesembs |
ADBLPS Graines | France |
New Rare Seeds | Audissou Plantes Succulentes |
Australian Succulents | Succulents seeds mostly from Australia |
Botanical Archive | Italian seed and plants |
Cactus Croatia NEW | Rare cactus seed |
Cactus Hobby Brno | Czech Republic - large very special cacti seedlists, retail, wholesale on-line distribution |
Cactus Moravia International | Many assorted special cacti and succulent picture seedlists
and plantlists, quick service and daily communication with customers | | Extensive Seed listing for Cactus, Succulents, Mesembs and Desert Plants |
Exotic cactus Collection |
Cacti and Succulents Ing.Kamil Prochazka | Prague Czech Republic - large cacti and succulent seedlist |
Uhlig Kakteen | This plant nursery also has an extensive seed list |
Amazon | |
Gerhard Koehres | Very extensive list from Germany |
Lifestyle Seeds | Seeds from South Africa |
Joel Lode | Very extensive list distributed from Spain. Details through Cactus Aventures |
Navajo Country | Specialist List for Sclerocactus, Pediocactus etc. and Yucca seeds |
Imazaadex | Wholesale Cactus and Succulent seeds | | Online shop for fresh Cactus and Succulent seeds |
Seeds of Africa | South African and Exotic seeds |
Succseed | particularly strong on South American Cacti | | Palm, Cycad, Banana, Yucca and Agave seeds |
British Cactus and Succulent Society | available only to members. Join Now |
Succulenta (Holland) | Extensive list - Available to non-members |
Deutsche Kakteen Gesellschaft (Germany) | List not published on line - available only to members. |
Mesemb Study Group | Mesemb Seed including items not available elsewhere.
List not published on line - available only to members. Join Now |