The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall
The Cactus and Succulent Plant Mall

Personal and Homepages



There are a large number of personal hompages associated with cacti and succulents. To guide you to the best of them we are starting to rate them for importance, quality, interest and design. Some pages such as those from Japan or Eastern Europe we do not feel qualified to rate because of the lingusitic problems so at the moment we have left them unrated. The following system is used: See also homepages on specfic groups of plants.

Four star pages These must meet the most exacting standards, not only of content but of technical and aesthetic design.
Three star pages These have reached a very high standard and present some features not available anywhere else.
Two star pages These are highly recommended pages with few if any faults.
One star pages These have some features of interest and are worth a visit. Most pages fall in this category.
  Unrated pages These may be old pages which are now badly in need of update, new pages which are incompletely formed or present considerable problems in trying to load them or a few which are just a bit weird.

If owners make significant changes to their pages and would like them considered for regrading they are welcome to draw our attention to them. We will not give any reasons for our grading but if anyone wishes we will suggest specific areas of improvement which might result in an upgrade. If anyone wants to send us opinions on webpages that might influence us to upgrade or downgrade them we would be happy to recieve them. In particular comments on non-English sites will be very carefully considered. Please send all comments to

This is intended primarily as a guide to browsers not an award system, but if web owners wish to use the rating on their site we have no objection to them doing so.

